Monday 13 July 2015

Proloquo2go - Assignment #1 Day

Today we had the opportunity to build an assistive language board for a non verbal individual based on the following video.  Lisa is a single parent with a 6 year old son.  After watching this video, I had a profound sense of admiration for Lisa as she has made her life what it can be with the use of the assistive technology of Proloquo2go.  These types of technologies are meant to enhance ones life and allow individuals like Lisa to thrive and live.  I can't imagine what it would be like to be without speech, have a child and be going to university.

As we continue learning about assistive technology and its applications to enhancing the lives of those who need it, I can't help but think about the students who are in my school that could benefit from these types of technologies.  The app Proloquo2go is just one of the many apps that can be used by non-verbal communicators.  It provides these individuals a vehicle to express themselves in a society that is geared towards verbal communication.  The idea of using selection sets of text, images and descriptive speech has opened a new world for people like Lisa and her son.

When looking at our first assignment, I had to visualize in my mind how I would build the storyboards and contextualize vocabulary that would be used for my portion of the groups assignment.  It is a unique activity that all inclusive education/resource teachers need to become familiar with.  I strongly believe that the professional development time must be given to those who have the most impact on the student learner.  To that end, inclusive education/resource teachers must be given the opportunity to become fluent in the support of these technologies should the need arise.

Although Lisa is an adult learner, she has many of the same issues an elementary or high school student with the same disability.  As such, the same supports should be available to her as well.  The quote below summarizes the activity and assignment of today but as educators who can effect change in a students life, it is imperative that we do the best we can for those that need it the most.


  1. Hi Ken,
    You mention the challenge of having to contextualize vocabulary that is used within the grid. I also found it challenging to ensure all necessary vocabulary was included within the grid and that the grid was constructed in a way that promoted ease of use. Clearly the more opportunity to explore and implement Proloque2go will help develop further comfort and capacity. I agree with your point that all resource teachers should be aware of the program possibilities. All teachers should have exposure and training for this and other APPs that reflect a UDL framework. When you think about the time, money and energy devoted to PD initiatives during our career that have had mariginal impact on student learning, an investment in apps education that support a UDL framework has tremendous potential.

  2. Ken I too agree.... training is critical...with hands on experience in meaningful activities (i.e. training based on student's IPP with the entire team)
